About Self-Love // Wisdom Wednesday

“Be softer with you. You are a breathing thing. A memory to someone. A home to a life.” – Nayyirah Waheed I read this quote the other day, listening to soft music and needed to get my hands expressing some thoughts, so here we go. Other posts of mine on self-love: Self-love, comparing ourselves and […]

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The Sunshine Blogger Award 2.0

I got the Sunshine Blogger Award 2.0 by Jana from the blog SweetJini. I am so thankful. In this award I answer questions concering my idols, my happiest moment, what I would want to change about myself and whom I´d love to go on a date with…enjoy!

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My first ever race!!!

Yep, it´s official. I´ve run my first ever race. Actually a while back, I competed in a 10k race. It was so fun and I beat my own record by so many minutes. I don´t know what kept me from writing this. But nevertheless I´ve gotten around to doing it, so here it is. My first run […]

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Yoga Update – Arm Balances

I have some great news: I´m only three days into the May Arm Balance Challenge and I´m already blowing my own mind at what my body can do. Seriously, a year ago I couldn´t even do a whole push up. Four months ago I worked myself up to fifteen push ups. That´s when I started […]

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How I got into the Splits!

How I got into the splits from the very beginning, starting in my childhood until when I was incredibly inflexible until late high-school to now when I finally achieved my long-term goal! Find out how I did it!

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An Open Letter to my Readers

Hey everyone,  this is a short, okay long letter to all of you loyal souls out there reading my blog. First of all I want to thank you. Thank you for reading. For commenting. For liking. For following. We hit 300! OMG! I can not believe it. When I really launched this blog back in […]

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Fitness, Self-Love and Misconceptions

This is for everyone.
Setting body and fitness misconceptions right.
Why you should be working out and why not. You should be working out, because you love your body, not because you hate it or want it to fit a certain size or ideal. You are beautiful.

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