20 books in 2020 – My attempt to read more

I used to be a huge bookworm, back in the day in my early teens, when schoolwork was done in less than an hour, school generally ended earlier and there was no such thing as Netflix. Well, hence I had a lot more time on my hands. I would sit in my hammock chair, which […]

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I’m back again and why I’ve been gone

Hello everybody, It´s been way too long. I´ve been gone a long time. I know. Where have I been? I´ve been living my life. To the fullest. Let me tell you a little bit of what´s been going on. I accepted to work on a project way back and thought that it wasn´t going to […]

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Sunshine Blogger Award

Last year (how funny and long ago that sounds…) I was nominated for two awards: The sunshine blogger award by Pearly. I want to thank her so so much! It´s such an honor receiving that award. Thank you! Now to the awards rules. I really like this one, because “Sunshine”…little Sunshine…Sunshine Ave….I think you get what I mean…: […]

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Liebster Award

I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Rinconez. I want to thank her very, very much! I feel so flattered to be chosen for this award. Thank you so much again! Here are the rules for the Liebster Award: Thank the person who nominated and link back to their blog. Display the Liebster Award on […]

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Where I write…

So we´ve covered why I write and now it´s time for where I write. I write mostly in my bedroom on my bed. I have this beautiful sheet I put on my bed during the day. I like to put some pillows behind my back to make sure I´m comfortable. I put on my christmas […]

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The Versatile Blogger Award

A little too long ago I was nominated by the lovely Brittany for the Versatile Blogger Award, which I have to say is a huge honor. Thank you so so much Brittany! You guys have to go check out her blog KingdomofSequins, it´s fabulous. I love all her outfits and she really posts fun stuff! So […]

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The “Sweater Weather” Challenge

I was nominated for the “Sweater Weather” Challenge yesterday morning by the lovely RobynChristy. ( You have to go check out her blog, it´s amazing! ) I was really excited about it and so here I am doing it! It´s basically a few questions, which I´m going to answer about “Fall” and the nominate other bloggers […]

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