DIY desk makeover

How much time has passed since I posted a DIY on this blog?!? Way too long… I´m making up for that now. Today I totally redid my desk and I´m telling you how I did it, so you can take on your new years cleaning and organizing with a plan.

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Let me shortly tell you something about my desk: it´s usually the messiest part of my room. I hate working at it. It´s always packed full with stuff I need and stuff I don´t need. Until I redid my room, I´d never really worked at my desk. Which is not the point of a desk. I know. So I needed to change it. Here are the steps I took, which you can take too to reorganize and totally redo your desk! Before you start, make sure you have time, this might take a bit….

  1. Take a before photo 

before desk makeover diy.jpg
Yes, it looks awful…

Nothing is more rewarding afterwards than looking at the before photo and realizing how much has changed! Trust me!

2. Music

I can´t organize or clean up anything without music. I just put on the radio and sing along to my favorite songs. That way time passes way quicker and I can actually enjoy what I´m doing…well at least the singing part..

3. Make your bed

Sounds crazy to you? I know I´m taking on my desk, but I can´t concentrate on it when my bed isn´t done. It gives me a part of a peace of mind, knowing that at least part of the room is clean.
It´s a great space to lay things while cleaning up, by the way and that can only be effective when it´s clean…

4. Get everything off 

Not just randomly throwing things off the desk here. I like to make piles on the floor. Books, pens, storage objects, trash. Once everything is off the desk and on the floor you can proceed to step 5.

5. Clean your desk

Your desk might be covered by dusk, like mine was…yes, I know I´m guilty. But that´s why I´m cleaning up after all…
So take out your cleaning gear and clean and dusk away until you can actually start to see your desk appearing…no, I´m exaggerating.. 😉

6. Throw away 

Now go through your piles on the floor and throw away anything you don´t need anymore, you haven´t used in a decade or that´s simply trash. Really clean out. You don´t want your desk as full as it was before. Less is more here!

7. It´s time to DIY 

Make any organizers or decor objects if you haven´t done them before.

diy storage idea.png

What I did here is pretty easy actually. I just took empty glasses and cans, took some wrapping paper I had laying around, cut it to my desired size and glued it on with some regular glue.

I also took the same wrapping paper to place under my pad to write on so it all has the same look. If you want me to do more organization DIYs, let me know in the comments down below!

8. Get things back on your desk 

Object by object place the things neatly and in an order that makes sense to you, back on your desk. Make sure you have everything you need on there and everything you don´t need either in the trash bin or someplace else.

Really take time to think and try around what looks and works best on your desk. Your pens on the right or on the left? Your binders right before you, a little on the side or completely of the desk?

9. Take an after photo and reward yourself 

Look at what you´ve done. Be proud of yourself and reward yourself by whatever you desire. Maybe an hour of Yoga? Or a piece of chocolate? Or a Youtube session at your new desk.

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I LOVE it! I am so excited to work on my desk now, it´s an unbelievably weird feeling… but that is the point of a desk, right?!

Was that helpful? I sure hope so! Will you redo your desk? Have you made over anything already this year? Would you like more DIYs?! Comment down below! I always love hearing from you!


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Hey there beautiful people of the internet! I am a young student studying Biochemistry in Germany and blogging as I travel the world in my free time. I have a passion for all things travel, fitness, books and getting to know the lives of people from all over the world. I blog mostly about my travels, honestly and openly sharing my experiences. Sometimes I sprinkle a little bit of Fitness content in there as well, as I am also a certified personal trainer. So come join me in the ride that is this weird and crazy thing called life. I'm happy to have you here :) XO Little Sunshine

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