A walk through La Rochelle, France

Come take a walk with me through the historic, cute and beautiful city of La Rochelle located at the Atlantic in France. It´s worth a visit!

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A night in Paris

Yesterday another trip through France began for me in the city of love itself, in Paris! We arrived in the city of love at 5pm. The first person we talked to when we got there was a very nice, très gentil Monsieur who recommended us good restaurants to eat. We checked in our hotel after having already […]

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My France Diary: Cluny and the rock of Solutré

This is part three of my France Diary. Hope you enjoy. If you´ve read my past two posts (Taizé, Tournus, Cluny) on my stay in France you´d know that the breakfast here in Cluny is totally amazing! Needless to say I ate a whole bunch for breakfast also since it was my last breakfast here. All […]

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My France Diary: Taizé, Tournus, Cluny

My France Diary: Day 2 is finally here! I really put a lot of effort into this one, so enjoy! (Don´t worry if you missed Day 1, just check it out here!) I woke up extra early to get my workout and shower done before breakfast. This helps me kick-start my day, feel super good, […]

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A little crooked everything – Day 6 Italy – Pisa

Day 6 Italy and Tuscany, the last day of seeing so many impressive and beautiful things and places. To top it all off we went to visit Pisa. My first association with Pisa had and has been (and still is) the leaning tower of Pisa. When I was a kid and someone had built something […]

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Day 4 Italy – Siena 

Hey guys, I´m back! Coming at ´ya with my 4th day of italy! Hope you enjoy! The first thing we did after we parked the car, was go straight for the cathedral. The medieval cathedral is called “Santa Maria Assunta”. It´s gigantic! Looking at it both ways, it´s a huge building and a real masterpiece! […]

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Florence – Day 2 Italy

  We woke up quite early and so had time to pack everything. Yes, we only were here for a little more than 24 hours, which I’m ashamed to admit. We did our best though to try to see as much as possible in this short time, you’ll read yourself, so I’ll just go ahead […]

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Arrival in Florence – Day 1 Italy

Arrival at the train station of Florence at 3:30pm. First impression: It’s raining. Second impression: It’s so hot and humid Third impression: The market works very well here obviously, since there were people selling umbrellas at every corner. Walking through the historic city center and along famous sights we went to find our room. That […]

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