Thinking Of You // Travel Tuesday

Thinking of you,
lost in the memories,
stuck in dreams,
that won´t come true.
Thinking of you,
make it stop,
say something,
because I´m still

Thinking of you…
a poem about my thoughts of you sitting at the ocean in le Cap, D’Agde in France..

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Le Cap D’Agde, Tourism, Terrorism and Europe // Travel Tuesday

  Today I have something different for you. Get ready for a little bit of a ramble about Europe, Tourism and Terror. Finished off by a little poetic summary of my one week stay here in Cap D’Agde. So keep reading;-) And enjoy all the magical sunset shots!  And don´t foget to tell me what […]

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15 things that made me happy this week – August 2015

I always enjoy reading these kind of posts, they get me thinking of what I could also try to do and what makes me happy. Or what made me happy this week. They are great on reflecting what you´ve accomplished that week and on finishing this week really. Anyways, here they are: #1 Going hiking […]

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