How I Overcame The Fear Of Swimming In The Ocean At Night

“Swim in the sea at night and look up at the stars” Number four of my Life List was one thing that when I wrote it two years ago I was kind of afraid of actually doing it. I mean it sounded extremely romantic, but also very, very scary. I thought of the dark, not […]

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Thinking Of You // Travel Tuesday

Thinking of you,
lost in the memories,
stuck in dreams,
that won´t come true.
Thinking of you,
make it stop,
say something,
because I´m still

Thinking of you…
a poem about my thoughts of you sitting at the ocean in le Cap, D’Agde in France..

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Le Cap D’Agde, Tourism, Terrorism and Europe // Travel Tuesday

  Today I have something different for you. Get ready for a little bit of a ramble about Europe, Tourism and Terror. Finished off by a little poetic summary of my one week stay here in Cap D’Agde. So keep reading;-) And enjoy all the magical sunset shots!  And don´t foget to tell me what […]

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