Photo Diary: A Day In Glückstadt

Glückstadt translated in english would be “lucktown” or “town of luck”. Find out if my day was as lucky and happy as the name of the town I spent it in!

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I’m back!! Happy New Year!

The reason for my absence, what happened while I was gone, my self-hosting adventure and why I decided to quit it all and return back here.

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One Lovely Blog Award

A long, long time ago I got nominated for the lovely blog award by the lovely Aurora from the wonderful blog Authentically Aurora. I hope I can still accept the nomination as it lies far back… I am so sorry for this extremely late post. Anyways, Aurora is an amazing blogger, I enjoy reading her […]

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I’ve got American Love // Travel Tuesday

I´ve got american love. Even though I´m from Europe. . The song “American Love” speaks to me, or actually it is my heart speaking: it´s crying and screaming to go back, while being wrapped up in warm memories of the past..

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Here are the top 12 essentials you need for Fall

If fall were a flavor, it´d be a mix between cinnamon and pumpkin heated up… In this list I´m sharing my top 12 essentials for this fall ranging from food, to fashion, beauty and home decor! Come get excited for Fall!!

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The Infinity Dreams Award

I was nominated for the Infinity Dreams Award by bekitschig. I want to thank her very much for the honor of receiving this award. It´s been a while back, when I got it, but I´m working up on things now and as bekitschig said very correctly, that an award is a big homework. And I have […]

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The Spirit Animal Blogger Award

I am finally getting around to doing this award. It´s been way to long. Sorry for the delay. So a while back I was nominated for the spirit animal blogger award by incahootswithmuddyboots. Thank you so so much! This means a lot to me and is such an honor, especially from you. Thank you! She […]

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The definition of me time

A few nights back I was sketching in my journal and my hands were writing “the definition of me time”. I´d been thinking about that for a long time. What exactly is me-time? It´s different for everyone, alright, but what is it for me and what does it mean for me. This is what I wrote […]

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