How I Overcame The Fear Of Swimming In The Ocean At Night

“Swim in the sea at night and look up at the stars” Number four of my Life List was one thing that when I wrote it two years ago I was kind of afraid of actually doing it. I mean it sounded extremely romantic, but also very, very scary. I thought of the dark, not […]

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Photo Diary: A Day In Glückstadt

Glückstadt translated in english would be “lucktown” or “town of luck”. Find out if my day was as lucky and happy as the name of the town I spent it in!

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A Day in “Red City” Toulouse // Travel Tuesday

Come take a walk with me through the “Red City” Toulouse. Stop in admiration of the red houses, the architecture and the sights! It´s a wonderful day here in Toulouse. Come, I´ll take you along.

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The definition of me time

A few nights back I was sketching in my journal and my hands were writing “the definition of me time”. I´d been thinking about that for a long time. What exactly is me-time? It´s different for everyone, alright, but what is it for me and what does it mean for me. This is what I wrote […]

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