How I Overcame The Fear Of Swimming In The Ocean At Night

“Swim in the sea at night and look up at the stars” Number four of my Life List was one thing that when I wrote it two years ago I was kind of afraid of actually doing it. I mean it sounded extremely romantic, but also very, very scary. I thought of the dark, not […]

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Photo Diary: A Day In Glückstadt

Glückstadt translated in english would be “lucktown” or “town of luck”. Find out if my day was as lucky and happy as the name of the town I spent it in!

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Photo Diary: A Day In Hamburg

As a German living in Germany you should’ve seen most of the big cities, been there several times, know the deal with them. So I was ashamed to keep saying when someone asked me: “No, I’ve never been to Hamburg. I’ve seen half of the USA though…” The last part impressed most people, so I […]

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Friendship, Love, Wounds and Emotions

About Friendship, Love, Wounds and Emotions. A free poetic text.
What does Friendship mean to you? Is it a one year relationship to you, like a one year subscription without a lasting guarantee, without an extension?

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How to listen: real Friendship, Problems and Solutions

Yesterday´s task was to take a quote from twitter and use it to make a post. It´s kind of funny, the task, but I´ll give it a go. Some people have been hurt in their past. So don't just tell them you love them, show them why they should believe. – Charles Orlando — Deep […]

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A beautiful Moment (Poem)

This post is a little different to my normal posts. I thought I would share with you a little poem I wrote yesterday evening. Can you guess whom it´s about? (without looking at the tags, or the photo….ok, it´s obvious…) slow breathing a relaxed snort he moves towards me gracefully lifting each leg moving as […]

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