Fruit Monsters – DIY Halloween Snacks // Sunny’s Sweet Sunday

With Halloween approaching I found it sensible to post a Halloween Snacks post today. Like always, we´re going the super cute, super yummy and super healthy way😉 I found similar Fruit Monsters on Pinterest (if you didn´t know, I´m kind of obsessed at the moment with pinning food and travel photos! To find all of […]

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How to throw the perfect Christmas Party in Summer (just because)

I know what you´re all thinking. Is she going crazy? We´re all mentally 100% in Summer and she´s thinking about Christmas?! Well for a matter of fact I am. I have to confess that my christmas spirit is higher in Summer or Fall than when Christmas is actually happening. Sounds so weird right? But I […]

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Easy DIY Fitness Motivation Idea

As you might know, I love to create things with my hands, be creative and especially make things I saw someplace for much cheaper! Short: I love to DIY. Today I´ll show you how to create your own DIY-Workout-Tip Jar, to get you motivated to work out. The use of this thing works like this: […]

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DIY desk makeover

How much time has passed since I posted a DIY on this blog?!? Way too long… I´m making up for that now. Today I totally redid my desk and I´m telling you how I did it, so you can take on your new years cleaning and organizing with a plan. Let me shortly tell you […]

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Give relaxation as a gift -Learn how to!

Is it already Thursday?! What?! Wait!!! I have seriously been really busy the past days, that´s why I haven´t posted anything (also because I´m currently working on several posts at the same time…). But I´m back;-) so get ready to read a lot! You have been warned;-) Also can I just say how amazing these […]

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My latest obsession: Homemade Bounties and two ways to make them

As I wrote in some previous posts, I am obsessed with my homemade Bounties. They´re just incredibly amazing, healthy (more or less-depending on how much of which chocolate you use) and I just can not stop eating them. So now I´m going to share my spins on the recipe, when you make them you will […]

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DIY Last-Minute Mother´s Day Gifts

Mother´s Day is coming up so fast-it´s tomorrow(!!!!) and a lot of people are stressing out! I have therefore decided to show you some little DIY´s, that are not complicated to make, yet so adorable, fast, thoughtful and cute! I hope you enjoy! Happy Mother´s Day!!! (Please let me know in the comments what your favorite was and what […]

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My Spa-Day Routine- (Beauty DIY´s)

In this time of year, when it´s cold outside, and our heating is keeping us warm inside, our skin has a really hard time. The heating is drying it out and when we choose to go outside, the temperature change and the cold outside damages the skin even more, it gets ichty, red and dry- […]

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DIY: easy Make-up Organisation, Storage & Display (Christmas Gift Idea)

“Where is my conealer?? I have to go in a second, but I can´t go looking like I haven´t slept for ages!!” Does that sound familiar to you?? If so, then I´ve got the perfect solution! I´ve been stuggeling with this for a long time now, my make-up was all over the place and since […]

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