Merry Christmas and Thank you

Hello everyone! Christmas has gotten me surprised. I had so much planned for you, especially for #Christmaswithalittlesunshine… I´ll be continuing next year with my gift guide. But I hope what I posted helped you out and reduced the Christmas stress a little. This isn´t going to be a long post, since I´m leaving for church now. […]

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German “Lebkuchen” Recipe

This recipe is inspired by my grandmother who is the master of Christmas Cookies! Like literally, she can stand competition of many confectioners! The great thing is that I learn so much from her and I always love baking with her and just enjoying some quiet time! This recipe is inspired by one of hers, I […]

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Give relaxation as a gift -Learn how to!

Is it already Thursday?! What?! Wait!!! I have seriously been really busy the past days, that´s why I haven´t posted anything (also because I´m currently working on several posts at the same time…). But I´m back;-) so get ready to read a lot! You have been warned;-) Also can I just say how amazing these […]

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Options are gifts as well

A few posts ago I started the series #christmaswithalittlesunshine and I´m very happy about how well you seem to like it! (Click here for my last post on what to get the writer in your life) Don´t worry if you think those are the only ideas and tips I can give you, because I have […]

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What to get the writer in your life

Last time I talked about cookbooks as presents, this time I´ll talk about what to get the writer in your life, if you didn´t already guess that from the title;-) Anyways…I consider myself as a writer and actually anyone who enjoys writing and does it in their free time is considered a writer in my […]

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Why cookbooks are the perfect gift for everyone

This is the first gift idea post of my holiday gift guide, if you missed the introduction and my basics on gift-giving, go check them out. The next weeks I´ll be sharing different gift-ideas I use and I find work well. I´m one of those people who doesn´t like getting and giving things no one […]

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