Top 6 Things To Do In Shanghai In Just One Day

I’d like to take you along on my very first real day visiting Shanghai with my most wonderful friend, a native to this extraordinary city. I’ll show and tell you about the best six things to see and do in this gigantic city, if you only have a day to visit, all whilst taking you […]

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Learning about bizzare asian beauty standards and the efficiency of Chinese housing complexes // Day 1 visiting friends in Shanghai, China // Travel Diary

Finally, a moment I had been waiting for, anxiously, for now eight years was so close I could almost grasp it. After all that chaos at the airport, my well rested and happy mood had experienced a slight drop and I wasn’t so sure anymore about wanting to experience the next moment. What if I […]

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How I Overcame The Fear Of Swimming In The Ocean At Night

“Swim in the sea at night and look up at the stars” Number four of my Life List was one thing that when I wrote it two years ago I was kind of afraid of actually doing it. I mean it sounded extremely romantic, but also very, very scary. I thought of the dark, not […]

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Photo Diary: A Day In Hamburg

As a German living in Germany you should’ve seen most of the big cities, been there several times, know the deal with them. So I was ashamed to keep saying when someone asked me: “No, I’ve never been to Hamburg. I’ve seen half of the USA though…” The last part impressed most people, so I […]

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The Peak Of Realization

To climb a mountain is like to slowly progress on something beautiful in life that you continuously put a lot of effort in. Yet, you only realize how beautiful it actually is when you succeed. And how unimportant everything else. All worries disappear, everything seems so small from up here. That is my opinion of hiking […]

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How to spend 48 Hours In Leipzig! The Ultimate Travel Guide!! (History, Architecture, Art, Food And Fitness Included)

This is NOT just some travel guide. This is the ultimate, take with you and be set to go travel guide. I have the top things to do, see, visit and places to run, eat, stay.
With every place to see and visit goes a compact history lesson.
And with every place to eat and visit goes an exact address and the price of tickets. You’re pretty much all set to go with this post!

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