20 books in 2020 – My attempt to read more

I used to be a huge bookworm, back in the day in my early teens, when schoolwork was done in less than an hour, school generally ended earlier and there was no such thing as Netflix. Well, hence I had a lot more time on my hands. I would sit in my hammock chair, which […]

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Top 6 Things To Do In Shanghai In Just One Day

I’d like to take you along on my very first real day visiting Shanghai with my most wonderful friend, a native to this extraordinary city. I’ll show and tell you about the best six things to see and do in this gigantic city, if you only have a day to visit, all whilst taking you […]

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Learning about bizzare asian beauty standards and the efficiency of Chinese housing complexes // Day 1 visiting friends in Shanghai, China // Travel Diary

Finally, a moment I had been waiting for, anxiously, for now eight years was so close I could almost grasp it. After all that chaos at the airport, my well rested and happy mood had experienced a slight drop and I wasn’t so sure anymore about wanting to experience the next moment. What if I […]

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Photo Diary: A Day In Glückstadt

Glückstadt translated in english would be “lucktown” or “town of luck”. Find out if my day was as lucky and happy as the name of the town I spent it in!

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