Fruit Monsters – DIY Halloween Snacks // Sunny’s Sweet Sunday

With Halloween approaching I found it sensible to post a Halloween Snacks post today. Like always, we´re going the super cute, super yummy and super healthy way😉 I found similar Fruit Monsters on Pinterest (if you didn´t know, I´m kind of obsessed at the moment with pinning food and travel photos! To find all of […]

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A Day in “Red City” Toulouse // Travel Tuesday

Come take a walk with me through the “Red City” Toulouse. Stop in admiration of the red houses, the architecture and the sights! It´s a wonderful day here in Toulouse. Come, I´ll take you along.

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My Top 3 Starbucks Inspired Fall Drinks // Sunny’s Sweet Sunday

Trying to save money? Well stop spending so much on your daily Starbucks drinks and make them yourself at home! They taste just as good, if not better…and you can add as much honey as you like;-) But seriously guys, Starbucks has amazing drinks with wonderful flavors, yes, but they are seriously expensive (think about […]

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I’ve got American Love // Travel Tuesday

I´ve got american love. Even though I´m from Europe. . The song “American Love” speaks to me, or actually it is my heart speaking: it´s crying and screaming to go back, while being wrapped up in warm memories of the past..

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Here are the top 12 essentials you need for Fall

If fall were a flavor, it´d be a mix between cinnamon and pumpkin heated up… In this list I´m sharing my top 12 essentials for this fall ranging from food, to fashion, beauty and home decor! Come get excited for Fall!!

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A stop in Cahors, France // Travel Tuesday

For this travel Tuesday I´m taking you with me to look at the city of Cahors from above (the most beautiful view of the whole region), through facts and of course from the city´s ground as well (architecture and art historical sights!)! Come along!

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Vegan Energy Balls // Sunny´s Sweet Sunday

It´s Sunday! That means I have another recipe for you on here! This time for my column Sunny´s Sweet Sunday I´m sharing with you my go-to snack, pre-workout fuel and energy-pick-me-up recipe: The best Vegan Energy Balls! For my other Sunny´s Sweet Sunday´s recipes, click here. These energy balls are perfect to eat when on the […]

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My Fall Bucket List

Let´s all cuddle up in a blanket with a hot tea, something to write to jot down all the things we want to do this Fall! This is my completed List, feel free to get inspiration…

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Standing on the Edge // Travel Tuesday

You can see the edge. I am standing on the edge. Someone else, more brave and crazier than me, went all the way and held the camera off the edge to take a photo. We have both next to each other in our album, but I kind of like the one with the edge better, it has more dimension and it tells the begging of the story that leads further to the edge and over it…

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