Photo Diary: A Day In Hamburg

As a German living in Germany you should’ve seen most of the big cities, been there several times, know the deal with them. So I was ashamed to keep saying when someone asked me: “No, I’ve never been to Hamburg. I’ve seen half of the USA though…” The last part impressed most people, so I […]

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The Peak Of Realization

To climb a mountain is like to slowly progress on something beautiful in life that you continuously put a lot of effort in. Yet, you only realize how beautiful it actually is when you succeed. And how unimportant everything else. All worries disappear, everything seems so small from up here. That is my opinion of hiking […]

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How To Visit Berlin By Bike in 24 hours // On A Budget Travel Guide

  So you want to see all of Berlin in 24 hours ? You want the information about the sites in a comprehensive way without losing details and without reading a whole book on Berlin? You want to see the most important sites, but don’t know which ones they are and how to see them all in […]

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News!!! I’ve changed my blog name!

I’ve got news!!
I finally managed to get my new blog name and domain, as well as a super chic new theme!! after all the drama, I am so greatful. Plus, I also have a little content news for you, too, so go get updated!

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Vegan Coconut Lemon Cake // Sunny’s Sweet Sunday

There’s a story behind my original vegan coconut lemon cake recipe. Let me tell you… For Christmas last year my best friend gave me a cake mix for a vegan coconut cake. The cake was so incredibly yummy, I made it when we had guests over and everybody loved it! Now a Babyshower being another […]

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