Get healthy with me: Smoothie Time (Part 2)

It´s finally here: My smoothie time part 2 post! As I said in one of my previous posts, I got a new blender which I´m very happy with. It´s from the Brand WWF. If you want me to do a review, let me know. Anyways, I´ve been making smoothies every day, trying and experimenting around. […]

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7 Healthy 4th of July Snacks

  It´s almost the fourth of July. Tomorrow… Yay! Tell me if you celebrate and how, with BBQ, a party, a parade? Or don´t you celebrate? I want to know! For those of you not celebrating, you can eat and make these treats anyway. But for those of you who are, I created some themed […]

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Get healthy with me: July Workout Calendar (printable)

  The Month of July started yesterday and to be honest I thought that today was the first, so this post is a tiny bit late. I´m sorry. Anyways, I put together a workout calendar you can follow. This series is called `Get healthy with me´, so now, it´s a ´Workout with me´; we´ll have […]

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Get healthy with me: 7 Steps to starting a healthy lifestyle (Part 2)

In my last post on starting a healthy lifestyle I talked a little about nutrition and about the very first step to getting healthy, the “throwing-all-the-junk-out”… Remember? (If you missed it, no worries, go ahead and read it now) So now I´m going to just sum up real quick the steps I suggest to starting […]

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Get healthy with me: Dinner + 3 Recipes

Many people think that skipping dinner leads to their desired figure in no time. But let´s be honest, who´s able to keep skipping dinner? And it´s not healthy either. When you eat dinner, you should eat high in healthy fats and protein, (fibre doensn´t hurt either) because those are the things your body needs to […]

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Get healthy with me: How to start a healthy lifestye (Part 1): Food

A friend of mine recently told me she wanted to get healthier, fitter and loose a bit of weight and asked for my advice to get to her goals. I was and am happy to help her and also decided to share it with you, because I think she´s no the only one. I´ve already […]

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Get healthy with me: Quick full body workout & benefits of sport

Finally! I am finally getting to posting my first Workout on this blog! Yay! Who´s excited? I am! But before I get into the workout, I want to talk to you about sport. Sport is essential when starting or living a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to sweat about 30 minutes a day. Because sport […]

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Get healthy with me: Smoothie Time (Part 1)

As you may know, I love smoothies! No, really, like I literally drink one everyday! I´m guessing you can relate to that, I mean, who doesn´t love smoothies?!? (and you wouldn´t be reading this otherwise… 😉 ) It tastes so amazing, has so many benefits, you can literally throw in anything, your body gets what […]

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Get healthy with me: How to drink more water (6 Tips)

It´s so important to drink enough water, in order to stay hydrated throughout the day. Our body needs water for so many different things; to digest the food we´re eating, to flush toxins out of the body, to keep our skin nice and glowing… Now who wouldn´t want nice glowing Skin? No one, right? And it´s […]

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Get healthy with me: NEW SERIES!!! Breakfast Foods

This is my new series!!! “Get healthy with me”, I am so excited! Because being or getting healthy throughout the past years has really changed my life in a positive way. I have more energy, can concentrate for longer amounts of time, my outside has changed and I´m much more confident. It´s been so amazing […]

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