My Top 3 Starbucks Inspired Fall Drinks // Sunny’s Sweet Sunday

Trying to save money? Well stop spending so much on your daily Starbucks drinks and make them yourself at home! They taste just as good, if not better…and you can add as much honey as you like;-) But seriously guys, Starbucks has amazing drinks with wonderful flavors, yes, but they are seriously expensive (think about […]

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Vegan Energy Balls // Sunny´s Sweet Sunday

It´s Sunday! That means I have another recipe for you on here! This time for my column Sunny´s Sweet Sunday I´m sharing with you my go-to snack, pre-workout fuel and energy-pick-me-up recipe: The best Vegan Energy Balls! For my other Sunny´s Sweet Sunday´s recipes, click here. These energy balls are perfect to eat when on the […]

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Vegan Snickers Bars // Sunny´s Sweet Sunday

What does one do on the perfect Sunday? This is different for everyone, but for me it is making vegan snickers bars with your best friends while listening to music, talking about life and drinking a good glass of wine. Here is the recipe for the perfect snicker bars. The rest is up to you to take care of;-) Let´s get bakin´!

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How to have dessert for breakfast and stay healthy (yep, it´s possible!)

I haven´t posted a food post in quite a while, so here you go… the best post to come, since we´re talking breakfast and dessert. To be exact: dessert for breakfast. These three recipes feed your sweet tooth while you are staying healthy. Yep, that´s right. All of these three recipes are 100% healthy and good for you. […]

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Healthy, Chocolate Pancake Recipe

Yep, another Pancake recipe from me. I should write a book about pancakes.. no, just kidding. This is again a totally different recipe I tried out today. It´s inspired by Kayla Itsines, whose Guide I´m following right now.  It´s a really yummy, healthy recipe which, again, I switched up a little.This pancake is pretty soft […]

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The Best Healthy Pancake Recipe

I love pancakes. Okay, who doesn´t? So since the traditional recipes aren´t the healthiest, I´m always looking and trying around with alternatives, making the pancakes as healthy as possible. I´ve tried many, many different things. I shared my favorites with you a while back. That was before I wanted to try a ToneItUp recipe for […]

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The ultimate guide to snacking healthy

Snacking, especially during the holidays can be hard. We rush from date to date, there´s no time to stop and eat. Yet we should always nourish our body with good foods and prevent it on running dry. If you´re struggling, trust me, I´ve been there, I know it´s hard. That´s why I´ve decided to help […]

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Healthy, yummy, protein Brownies (vegan alternatives)

I was backing for a birthday party last weekend, making brownies. They didn´t turn out at all like I wanted them to, so I threw a few different things in there, I thought would fit… and these super yummy, crunchy brownies were born. I loved them, the guests at the party loved them, my parents, for whom I´d saved some, loved them… So I decided to share them with you. If you have any nut-allergies, feel free to switch this recipe up a bit to fit you. Also if you want it to be softer, exchange the chia seeds for an egg! Other than that: enjoy!

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