Top 6 Things To Do In Shanghai In Just One Day

I’d like to take you along on my very first real day visiting Shanghai with my most wonderful friend, a native to this extraordinary city. I’ll show and tell you about the best six things to see and do in this gigantic city, if you only have a day to visit, all whilst taking you […]

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Learning about bizzare asian beauty standards and the efficiency of Chinese housing complexes // Day 1 visiting friends in Shanghai, China // Travel Diary

Finally, a moment I had been waiting for, anxiously, for now eight years was so close I could almost grasp it. After all that chaos at the airport, my well rested and happy mood had experienced a slight drop and I wasn’t so sure anymore about wanting to experience the next moment. What if I […]

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Day 1: Shanghai, China – Chaos at the Airport // Travel Dairy

My arrival at Shanghai airport in China wasn’t as smooth as I anticipated having gone through the long VISA process beforehand. A high heartrate, sweat and a little bit of panic were involved as I entered China, as my first destination travelling solo for the first time.

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