Photo Diary: A day in Poreč, Croatia

Earlier this summer I embarked on a trip with my girls to Croatia. We stayed a week on the peninsula of Istria. One of our trips to the cities around us was to Poreč, where we had planned a little kayak tour to not neglect our fitness, as well as a long walk through town.

We got the long walk twice that day. One time voluntarily, the other one involuntarily. As my girls aren’t the most organized lot, especially not together, we walked the whole way around the town of Poreč. Literally the whole way around it. It would’ve been better to have studied the map before starting, that way we could’ve just gone through the city to be there in 5 min. But looking on the bright side, we got our warm up in before kayaking. Just sadly when we arrived the other group had started and we had to wait two hours. The heat was killing us and so we just went into the next drug store to get refreshing smoothies and a new camera memory card for me. When we’d rested a bit in the air-conditioned heat, we were ready to go explore the city – the next long walk of the day.

An ice cream was very overdue, so we indulged on that. Then walking along the main road we wanted to get away from the masses a little, as it was really very crowded. So we just took a turn right and found ourselves in the most adorable little streets. There was this all natural cosmetics place were we stopped for a chat on how they make the cosmetic themselves and what it’s made of. It was such a wonderful place, but I didn’t have enough cash on me to buy anything. Such a pity. It smelled like heaven in there.

But walking on we passed little art shops which sold lovely paintings. Cute cafés and bars… yet the most beautiful bar I’ve ever been in – and the girls agree – was near the place we headed for when it was time to kayak. On accident, more or less, we were looking for somewhere to change into our bikinis. We found ourselves being welcomed warmly to just use the bathroom for a second. And let me tell you, the inside of this bar was just #goals and my girls and me started dreaming away on how we’d form it into a perfect little apartment… in Manhattan… oh yeah, we were dreaming far away..

The Kayaking was just amazing! I shared one with one of my very well-trained friends and together we totally gained speed. We kayaked all around the city – next to the way we’d walked earlier –  to a beach that lay opposite the city. We had a solid 30 minutes for a swim and some mandatory fooling around in the water. On our way back we raced our guide…and barely won.. but it was a laugh anyway.

Although it did get even better and funnier for everyone else, when I did a totally video worthy stunt.. completely on purpose of course ..not.. I wanted to clean my shoes real quick in the water, slipped on a large stone and crashed right into the water, landing on my beloved behind.. you can imagine the laughter, on my part as well.

We ended the day with a picnic in a tiny park right by the water, talking about baby names… I remember that so vividly because it was quite a discussion. Comment below, what your favorite baby name is? Boy and girl!

Porec and the sea
This is hands down my favorite photo. It’s almost monochrome and captures the feels of the day quite nicely with the clouded sky and a little bit of sunshine peaking through, reflected on the water…
Church in Porec Croatia Istria
The colors of this church are so chic… perfectly styled!
Porec Croatia cute architecture
This super cute little house just squeezed into the two taller ones and totally makes a statement there 😉
Porec Croatia Photo Diary
Some architectural impressions…
Porec Fotor_Fotor
… and a hazy look into one of the side streets..
Porec Croatia Photo Diary Sunshine In Wanderland
…in which we decided it was much more beautiful and authentic.
Kayaking in Porec Croatia
I caught the first group kayaking their way back into the bay on camera. We looked just like that about 20 min later. Bright orange kayaks. The Croatians do have style.

Have you ever been to Croatia? Comment down below along with your favorite baby name;-) 

That concludes the day. Hope you liked it! See ya down in the comments 🙂

xo little sunshine

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Hey there beautiful people of the internet! I am a young student studying Biochemistry in Germany and blogging as I travel the world in my free time. I have a passion for all things travel, fitness, books and getting to know the lives of people from all over the world. I blog mostly about my travels, honestly and openly sharing my experiences. Sometimes I sprinkle a little bit of Fitness content in there as well, as I am also a certified personal trainer. So come join me in the ride that is this weird and crazy thing called life. I'm happy to have you here :) XO Little Sunshine

9 thoughts on “Photo Diary: A day in Poreč, Croatia

  1. I have never seen sea clearer than off the coast of Croatia. Sadly it was too cold to swim in it since we went in late autumn. We stayed in Porec too, round about 2004. And my favourite names? Jay for a boy, Georgia for a girl!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes the water is indeed absolutely gorgeous. But personally I’ve seen clearer waters on the island of Elba – that was more than magical!
      That’s too bad. But that way you have a reason to return now 😉 especially after those couple of years… I find that trips like that can be very beautifully nostalgic, sentimental and reflective 🙂

      Those are lovely names!! Never thought about them before, but now you mention them… they are really quite wonderful.
      Thanks a heap for commenting! XO

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We had a great time in Rovinj. Staying in a great AirBnB easy walking distance to the old town but in a nice residential area. Some great restaurants, wonderful park just outside the city, incredible sunsets… just another day in paradise. From Rovinj we drive to Motovun and Hum… wow! We’ve hit Plitvicka, Sibenik since and are now chilling in Old Zadar. Sitting in front of the Roman forum and the Romanesque church now on a gorgeous sunny day drinking an iced coffee ☕️. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That sounds wonderful! Yes the sunsets are absolutely magnificent in Croatia, I remember them too well 🌅 and paradise really is a more than adequate description of the place 😍
          I’ve never been to those other cities you mentioned. Are they worth visiting?
          That moment sounds absolutely perfect 👌🏽

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, I would highly recommend both Hum and Motovun. Hum is known as the smallest town in the world… at least that is how they chose to draw in the tourists but it is tiny and so cute… worth a visit. Motovun is also brilliant. Plenty of medieval charm in this hilltop town topped by a church bell tower amid a gorgeous valley of vineyards!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Amazing! Those two really sound worth a visit! I’ll have to put them on my travel bucket list for the next time I’m in Croatia!
            A hilltop town with a church bell tower amid a gorgeous valley of vineyards sounds so brilliantly beautiful…! Wish I could go there straight away..
            Thanks so much for all the tips!
            Have a wonderful rest of your journey through Croatia amid vineyards and cafés 😉

            Liked by 1 person

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