Healthy, Chocolate Pancake Recipe

how to make the perfect chocolate pancakes.png

Yep, another Pancake recipe from me. I should write a book about pancakes.. no, just kidding. This is again a totally different recipe I tried out today. It´s inspired by Kayla Itsines, whose Guide I´m following right now.  It´s a really yummy, healthy recipe which, again, I switched up a little.This pancake is pretty soft and has a slight caramel taste. Enjoy!

healthy cocoa protein pancakes

What you´ll need (enough for 3 people):

  • 120g oats
  • 2 tsp cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 bananas
  • 3 eggs
  • 120ml milk of your choice
  • 50ml water

Start by mixing the chia seeds and the milk together. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend. Heat a non-stick frying pan and add oil. Pour a bit of your pancake batter in, making as big pancakes as you want. After it starts to form bubbles, flip it over and fry on the other side as well. Put on a plate, decorate (optional) and enjoy!

banana pancakes healthy recipe

Happy Sunday! Enjoy it!

XO Little Sunshine

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Hey there beautiful people of the internet! I am a young student studying Biochemistry in Germany and blogging as I travel the world in my free time. I have a passion for all things travel, fitness, books and getting to know the lives of people from all over the world. I blog mostly about my travels, honestly and openly sharing my experiences. Sometimes I sprinkle a little bit of Fitness content in there as well, as I am also a certified personal trainer. So come join me in the ride that is this weird and crazy thing called life. I'm happy to have you here :) XO Little Sunshine

25 thoughts on “Healthy, Chocolate Pancake Recipe

  1. This is making me so hungry! Great ingredients and looks so delish! I hope to see more articles like this, now a follower 🙂
    i think i will be giving this recipe a try over the weekend! I can imagine my morning having a detoxing warm lemon juice and this guilt free pancake breakfast haha.

    It would be great to connect with you, feel free to check out my blog on health and fitness
    One post i wrote was on the benefits of bananas, especially for digestion, i think you will like it !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha go make yourself some pancakes!! You deserve ´em! (And please let me know how they turned out!) Oh and lemon juice + guilt free pancakes sound like the perfect morning!!
      Thank you so much for your feedback! I will do my best on posting similar posts like this. I really appreciate you following and commenting.
      I read your banana post – totally amazing! i knew bananas were really good for you, nutrient dense and quick energy kick for in between, but I didn´t know they were a probiotic. I´ll have to eat more banana pancakes then;-) Thanks for your post. Btw. your blog is really interesting! XO

      Liked by 1 person

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