I am different

Yesterday after mocking me for a long time and making fun of everything and anything I said, I complained that it wasn´t funny anymore and then they said “Well, somehow you´re so very different from us”.

Am I?

Of course I am.

I´m different.jpg
I´m someone who believes.
Who believes in her dreams.
In her potential.
Her heart.
Her art.
Who believes in her life.
Who believes in herself.
No matter what anyone says.

Well, most of the time.

What? So I´m different? In a bad way? In a good way?

How am I different?

Because I don´t like to drink alcohol?
Because I won´t tell you everything about me?
Because I am successful?
Because I go outside when it´s raining to run?
Because I don´t wast my time on video games?

How am I different? How?

But isn´t it great that I´m not like you?

I mean where would we be if everyone were just like the other one?

I don´t need to be like you in order to get along with you.
All you need to do is respect me for who I am. Because I respect you. That´s how it works.

I´m happy about being different. Because it makes me unique. Because it makes me me.
So why don’t you stop mocking me, because I´m different and start loving me for exactly that reason.

Because I am different and that´s more than fine

XO Little Sunshine 

I hope you liked this. This was just some thoughts I had, voiced out.

My message, especially for the new year, is to be different. Different from everyone else. Don´t do something you don´t like just to go along with what the crowd wants. Have the courage to say “no”. Have the courage to be yourself, whatever it takes. Because it´s worth it. Because that´s what this is all about. Embrace who we are. No matter what everyone else says. So you like ABBA, they think that´s stupid. Don’t´listen to them and go be the dancing queen you are.

You´re not alone in this.


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Hey there beautiful people of the internet! I am a young student studying Biochemistry in Germany and blogging as I travel the world in my free time. I have a passion for all things travel, fitness, books and getting to know the lives of people from all over the world. I blog mostly about my travels, honestly and openly sharing my experiences. Sometimes I sprinkle a little bit of Fitness content in there as well, as I am also a certified personal trainer. So come join me in the ride that is this weird and crazy thing called life. I'm happy to have you here :) XO Little Sunshine

12 thoughts on “I am different

      1. I literally have a few posts almost identical. Where I stay with a same first letter for several lines and sometimes a whole post or where in Haiku where I sometimes stay in a certain letter for each and sometimes 2 stanzas where I keep the same first letter and refusing to conform I do also:)

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